
When the Cry Rings Out

When the Cry Rings Out

The large crowd of demonstrators at San Francisco International Airport was diverse, a global array of nationalities, ages, and dispositions. They shouted loudly, against Trump and his Muslim ban, that refugees are welcome here.

Autonomy in India: Tactical and Strategic Considerations on the New Wave of Workers' Struggles

Autonomy in India: Tactical and Strategic Considerations on the New Wave of Workers’ Struggles

Recent workers’ struggles in India prompt us to examine the concept of autonomy more closely. Movements in the Gurgaon-Manesar region have consciously or unconsciously addressed the reality of the social factory and have combined mobilizations from below and mass initiative with the need to formulate an appropriate strategy and effective set of tactics. 

White Purity

White Purity

Among other things, whiteness is a kind of solipsism. From right to left, whites consistently and successfully reroute every political discussion to their identity. 

The Safety Pin and the Swastika

The Safety Pin and the Swastika

If you had read in early 2016 about a National Policy Institute conference on the theme of “Identity Politics,” you might have assumed it was an innocent gathering of progressives. If you had attended, you would have been in for an unpleasant surprise. The National Policy Institute is an organization of white nationalists, overseen by neo-Nazi media darling Richard Spencer.



It once was common practice for radical journals to solicit feedback from their readers. It anchored theoretical developments and pointed to new areas of inquiry. As Viewpoint expands its work, we hope our readers can help us revive the practice here.

Logging Out

Logging Out

November 8, 2016 – we may remember this as the day that the liberal elite of the American coasts learned of a world outside its Facebook feed. 

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui: Against Internal Colonialism

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui: Against Internal Colonialism

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui is an Aymara activist, sociologist, and oral historian who has worked with indigenous movements in Bolivia over the last four decades. Her work provides a valuable critique of certain forms of indigenous identity politics, and a balance sheet of anticolonial struggles in the country more broadly.