Benno Teschke

is a Reader in the IR Department at the University of Sussex. His research interests comprise IR Theory, Historical Sociology, Marxism, and the Philosophy of Social Science. He is the author of The Myth of 1648: Class, Geopolitics and the Making of Modern International Relations (London: Verso, 2009).

Rethinking International Relations: An Interview with Benno Teschke

Rethinking International Relations: An Interview with Benno Teschke

As we know, Marx never wrote a distinct tome on either international trade or on war and geopolitics – a tome that would have problematized the spaceless assumptions of either a stagist conception of world history or a universalizing capitalist world market. And in that sense International Relations – less as a discipline but more as a problematic – remains very pressing and urgent for Marxists to reappropriate.