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Origins of the Crisis: On the Coup in Bolivia

Origins of the Crisis: On the Coup in Bolivia

Was it a coup? Yes. Should people with a preference for emancipatory politics support the coup or oppose it? We can only be against it. When we move from definitions and position-taking to the level of politics, however, simplicity gives way to murkiness. How did this coup happen? What conditions made it possible?

Capitalist Faultlines and Subterranean Resistances: Traces of Struggle in the Work of Ferruccio Gambino

Capitalist Faultlines and Subterranean Resistances: Traces of Struggle in the Work of Ferruccio Gambino

As a counterpoint to this historical amnesia, conformism, and seclusion, Gambino offers an important corrective: a serious consideration of working conditions irreducibly requires workers themselves, who possess the capacity to modify this terrain (or irrevocably alter it), as much as they are shaped or subordinated by it.

The Revolt of Living Labor: An Interview With Ferruccio Gambino

The Revolt of Living Labor: An Interview With Ferruccio Gambino

What even the repression in Italy could not cancel was how seriously the so-called “workerists” took the whole dimension of human activity. That was an aspect of what made the extraparliamentary left in Italy different. It already contained, at least in embryo, the claims about who has produced what, who commands what, and who destroys what.